
Viking conquest troop trees
Viking conquest troop trees

viking conquest troop trees

heavish cavalry, good for charging an enemy that is already engaged - Irish bodyguardīut honestly, the most effective way to fight is to have your spearmen in one shield wall (anvil) and your sword and shield infantry in another (hammer) and sandwich the enemy in between. bowmen, good for shooting a shield wall from the right flank - Norse warrior archers crossbowmen, good for sieges where the defenders are exposed - Pictish elite skirmisher

viking conquest troop trees

sword and shield infantry, perfect for hitting the enemy in the rear or flank: Norse bodyguard spears infantry, perfect for holding the enemy at bay in a shield wall: Saxon noble Just mine, mind you, not vetted by anyone else. But, if you still want to know who is best, here is my list. What White Knight is said is absolutely true, and is really the best way to go about it. For me, it's more of a "do they have metal armour or not" kind of thing. There are no units that I see and think "Oh no, it's the Irish skirmishers" or whatever. It's just not something that the player can see easily during gameplay. If you cracked the game open and scoured through the files, you probably could devise such a list based on the skill values for specific unit types. Svear Warriors and Finn Archers are solid performers - they are everywhere. Also, mercenaries are critical to fill up your ranks while you are training. So rather than going somewhere or finding the best troops, you have to train them to be the troops you want. Up to that point, it is brutally slow.much too slow for my liking. It's the player's choice.īy about level thirty with a full complement of companions with a few points in training each, the pace of getting units trained up into something useful is pretty decent. Any group can develop cavalry, infantry, archers, spearmen, skirmishers, etc. I think the difference is in the training tree options. shieldwall, the troop types don't matter as much as the player's tactics and the level of training. In Viking Conquest, you get shieldwall vs. In Warband, you can see and feel how effective distinctive units are on the battlefield and wise players go and recruit those types. If Angle bodyguards are better than Irish or Frisian ones, I don't know. Many troop types have mounted options at the high end as well.

viking conquest troop trees

Like Norse huscarls for your shieldwall.Īrchers are plentiful in Britian, the Irish seem to prefer javellins, and everyone can produce good infantry and spearmen for shieldwalls. Any region can generate the soldiers they need although some troop types are better than others. Well, to their credit, Viking Conquest isn't quite as simplistic as that.

Viking conquest troop trees